Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Do people really know what climate change is? Do they contribute in the changing of our climate?Do people know what to do to prevent this phenomenon? I hope so....
God created the earth as beautiful as it is. But one day! Centuries had gone through it.Generation to generation it came a really great modernization.Technologies reach its limit and it was over used by millions of people around the world. This climate change usually caused by heat and cold interchanging or vice versa, creating different unpredictable phenomenon just like floods, typhoons, tornadoes,volcanic eruptions,tsunamies,La nino and La nina which also kills thousand of peoples here in the Philippines.We must do an action before it gets worst.What do people must do?..Let me think......You must also think...Yeah! Got an idea we must work together , struggle together, fight together, control ourselves together for the better.I believe that some of us ia already aware on this nation's situation and we should make ourselves as a role model to lessen the usage of modern technology and promote the traditional deeds of ours.

I hope that you've learned something while you are reading this opinion of mine, think of our future and the future of the next generation.How about the People,animals,trees, fishes and fowls that were created by the almighty GOD will we let it just disappear in twinkling of an eye? NO!NO! Be independent! Do your obligation as human beings.


Nowadays, Equality is also considered a law which is active here in the Philippines. Male or Female, Rich or Poor, Black or White, Young or Old have the right to be treated equally, because as the word of God stated “ ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL” .
Freedom is set by our Local heroes centuries ago.They fight and give their life for us to be free.But this day had come when woman can do what man can do and a man can do what woman can do that is called gender equality. Is it applicable or inextricable?. We do not know, even though were not equal in the sight of a person God believes that we are equally divided.If this equal rights should be devastated Justice must rolls down like a river.Money cannot change our dignity because we have equal opportunities.Even though you have the highest political position in your province you must not lift your feet and you must Stay humble remain standing in the ground.
There will be that day when equal rights and equal opportunities shall prevail completely here in the Philippines.Equality starts to you my friend so keep your foot down and live simple.


English language is one of the most familiar and most common language that is used by different countries and nations to communicate easier and faster.In connection to the theme: “Going Global through English Language”.This month we usually celebrate it as enhancer to the youth in how to be fluent in speaking the english language.And this celebration had become a tradition to many schools here in the Philippines as well as International.
Our school have different clubs to commend in this month's celebration, there is that the English club, interact club and the theater arts club who promotes activities and contests in our school that force us to read books and novels to become a bibliophile. Reading English books enhances our reading skills, grammar skills and add to our vocabulary as usual.It is useful because someday when we go abroad and if we do not know how to speak in their countries dialect we can make use of the English language because some of them in different countries knows how to speak English  You can also use it when competing to an international pageant....and many more usage.

English is an International Language that were used by hundreths of countries to communicate.Miscommunication must lead us to the distrust of all of our brothers and can be made war of all the nation.Everyone of us must learn this language so that our nations economy will rise up.I say to you today my friend ONENESS is needed, English language going global is the only solution.